If any Coaches, Players, Fans or Family Members are sick or experiencing any of the following symptoms or live with someone who is covid-19 positive, please remain at home!

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Repeated shaking with chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Unexplained Headache
  • Vomiting and/or Diarrhea
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste or smell

Please use judgment when bringing senior citizens and others with health issues to the fields.

Mandatory Health Screening

  1. An LGS volunteer will be present at each practice and scrimmage to screen all players and coaches prior to their participation.
  2. Temperature will be taken and logged.
  3. A few brief questions will be asked about their health.
  4. Hand sanitizer will be administered.
  5. If all screening checks out, players/coaches will be allowed to enter the field.
  6. If a person has a temp over 100.4 or there are concerns based upon the screening questions they will be asked to go home.

Practices and Scrimmages

  1. Practices and scrimmages start while observing social distancing.
  2.  Practices will be closed to spectators.
    • Participants should be dropped off after successfully completing health screening.
    • Bleachers are closed to anyone other than the participants.
    • Parents/families/other spectators wishing to observe must remain in their cars.
    • In the event of inclement weather, parents/guardians will be asked to remain close by in their cars in order to quickly retrieve their children if practices have to be cut short.
  3. One age group or team per field.
  4. Participants and coaches shall not congregate in groups larger than 25 individuals.
  5. Stations at practice.
  6. Split the team into small groups during practice.
  7. Maintain 6 ft social distancing practice everywhere on the fields.
  8. Coaches and LGS volunteers will be required to wear a face covering when within 6 ft of any other person.
  9. Each player responsible for their own helmet, glove, water bottle, and bat.
  10. No players may share equipment. LGS will issue a helmet and bat to individuals as needed.
  11. No dugout use at all – hang bags on the fence – 6ft apart. Each field offers space that can be used to hang the bags and place individual equipment outside of the dugout.
    • BLUE and GOLD Fields – inside the fence, down the outfield line away from each dugout
    • Labonte and Optimist Fields – outside the fence behind the dugouts
  12. No treats and players must bring their own water bottle marked with their name. No team water will be allowed.
  13. Sunflower seeds, gum, and other items that may require spitting shall be prohibited.
  14. No spitting.
  15. Maintain 6 ft spacing for team meetings and instruction.
  16. Players and coaches must wash hands before and after each practice and scrimmage. Hand Sanitizer will be provided by LGS. Coaches and Players are encouraged to sanitize between drills during practice and innings during scrimmages.
  17. The balls will be sanitized after each half inning during scrimmages and after each practice.
  18. No handshakes or fist bumps before, during, or after the practices and scrimmages.
  19. Base coaches must maintain 6 ft distances and cannot touch a runner or player on or off the field.
  20. Mound visits must maintain 6 ft distances.
  21. If umpires are to be used for scrimmages, the plate umpire will be asked to officiate the game from behind the catcher following proper mechanics as much as possible, but increase the distance between the catcher and themselves. Base umpires, if used, will ensure proper social distancing with all fielders.
  22. Catchers will be asked to maintain a reasonable safe distance. Catchers gear will be issued to individuals for their use only.
  23. No Catchers at the 8U level. Only catchers who have been issued gear from LGS or who have their own equipment will be allowed to play that position during practices and scrimmages.
  24. All bleachers will be closed for the 2020 season. Spectators will be allowed to enter and sit in the designated area of the outfield during scrimmages. The designated area will be clearly marked and LGS volunteers will be on hand to help direct the spectator traffic. Groups of attendees seated or standing together must be limited to 6, preferably of the same household. Groups of larger than 6 solely comprised of members from the same household are permitted.
  25. A 6 ft distance must be maintained between individual groups at all times.
  26. Close contact between members of different households is prohibited before, during, and after the scrimmages.
  27. Fans are encouraged to bring and use hand sanitizers and disinfectants for their use while in public areas of the park as well as face coverings in the event that any spectators are within less than 6 ft of each other.